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The Skrinneren's guide to the lakes of eastern Svealand

The Skrinneren's guide to the lakes of eastern Svealand

Regular price $36.00 USD
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Eastern Svealand has many popular skating lakes, but the details of how the lakes freeze have been relatively unknown. This book presents several hundred skating lakes. The author Mårten Ajne, one of Sweden's most experienced and knowledgeable skaters, has processed more than fifty years of ice and weather data and combined this with his own and the skating clubs' experiences.

A major focus is on the book's specially designed maps that show the normal freezing order in numbered and colored zones, currents, tributaries, rifts, break-up limits and other ice warnings. The reader is also given suggestions for trips during different ice-forming stages with suitable starting points, sights, rest areas and connecting walks.

The book covers all lakes in Uppland and Sörmland as well as large parts of Västmanland and Gästrikland.

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