Binding location
Binding location:
The bindings can be placed in several positions along the length of the footplate.
They can also be adjusted laterally on Skyllermark's Blue and Red.
In the longitudinal direction, the basic rule is that you should stand with the middle of your foot directly in front of the middle of the rail's running surface.
The running surface is the part of the rail that is “almost straight”, that is, between the front and rear grindings.
It's better to stand 1-2cm further back than further forward, it's not about being precise to the millimeter.
Under each model on the website there is a guide for how the binding should be placed. Look there, it's the easiest!
Please note that you should not stand at the very back so that the skate only sticks out very far forward. This is how some people used to stand, but we advise against it. This gives uneven pressure against the ice and poor control with the long protruding forelimbs.
In sideways, it is most common to stand in the middle. This gives the advantage that you do not have a higher or left skate, but you can freely change feet on them. Sometimes you run into a rock and the inside edge becomes dull. Then you can change feet and get the damaged edge outward and a new sharp edge on the inside.
About one in four skaters experience great benefits from adjusting the bindings laterally. Often, people find that their feet want to tip inward, which makes it unbalanced and hard on their ankles. It also makes it harder to put the skate on a clean outer edge.
Stand still on your skates and wiggle your feet sideways, outwards and inwards. Feel how it feels when you stand with your feet completely flat. Does it feel good or do they want to tip inwards or outwards?
If you feel like your feet are tipping, try adjusting the bindings sideways!
The most common thing is, as mentioned, that the feet want to tip inward.
The solution is then to move the bindings sideways so that you stand further out on the outer edges of the skate.
This is possible on Skyllermark's Blue and Red but not on most other models on the market.
It is highly individual how you want to stand on your skates. Our Skyllermarkskate are sold with the bindings centered in the middle of the footplate. Start with that setting and get a feel for it. Adjust after you have tried it.
Another advantage of standing sideways is that you can lean more without your feet touching the ice. It also allows you to push off harder and thus go faster.
If you want to adjust laterally, do this:
1. Remove the red rubber block by prying sideways with your fingers. No tools are required.
2. Use the supplied tool, the small open-end wrench, together with a slotted screwdriver and carefully loosen the screws a little bit. Just enough so that the binding can be pushed sideways.
If you loosen too much it will be more difficult because the binding will slip around too easily.
Push the binding to the new desired position. Measure with a folding ruler so they are equally close to the edge.
3. Tighten the screws again.
4. Reinstall the rubber block by inserting one side first. Press down the other edge with a flathead screwdriver.
Sure, go out and try it!
Skyllermarks Orange, also called “Gold”, cannot be adjusted laterally. This skate is intended to be used with skate boots for cross-country skiing. These boots are stiff as a rock laterally, so the foot simply cannot tip sideways. To make Skyllermarks Orange lighter, we have therefore removed the lateral adjustment option and have also been able to make the footplate much narrower. This saves weight.
Skyllermark's Blue and Red have a wider footplate to enable lateral adjustment without the binding ending up completely next to the footplate.